Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Manila Tradition; Billboard Club

Hands down my favorite city in Asia to chill for a weekend (outside of Bangkok of course, hey I LIVE here brothers!) is Manila. More specifically, Makati which is like a city within a city. Everything you could possibly need for a grand old time in high style is available for the asking and when you're finished your new local friend (s) will smile at you and say in that lovely Pinay accent "Thank you, Sir!"
There's no end of go go bars, clubs and brothels in Manila but best bet for a nightcap after dinner with the boss at the Makati Shangri-la's outstanding sushi bar, is to head for Burgos Street about a 20 minute cab ride away around the corner from Rockwell/Powerplant malls.
For anyone who frequents Hong Kong this is like a mini Wan Chai, 1 street long with a couple of dz locales of various qualities along 2 blocks or so....
By far the best talent all round (you'll get singing and dancing and pretty decent music at the club as well as the after hours kind) BILLBOARD is the place to make your final stop to pickup some take out sushi , )
It may take a bit of gentlemanly persuasion but many a night Ive landed myself a 2 for 1 special and have never left the place alone or disappointed. Philippines does however generally demand 'bar fines' or a house payout but its reasonable, about 20-35 bucks), the drinks aren't watered down, and they do go out of their way to recruit top talent. Still quite possible to be a big spender, buy a couple for the mama san and still spend less than 200 US for a night of debauchery!
Life's sweet in Asia my brothers!

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